...to succeed in life, you need three things: a wish bone, a back bone, and a funny bone!

18 October 2012


Sometimes a word or idea gets stuck in my head and I can’t let it go until I have thought about it, chewed on it, discussed it, and finally written about it…here’s the latest:

“Vulnerable” – there is not one definition of this word that I would be happy to apply to myself or be referred to as:

The definitions of vulnerable; open to attack, weak or helpless, in danger, breakable, gullible, at the mercy of, exposed, naïve, inexperienced, easily hurt, and insecure. The word origin of vulnerable is derived from “to pluck, tear, or wound” – you must be kidding…fuck all of that!
Some say “the greatest strength comes from allowing yourself to be vulnerable”, and I agree if you complete the thought “the greatest strength comes from allowing yourself to be vulnerable in the presence of love and trust”. Unconditional love and complete trust, when mutually reciprocated, supports and strengthens every aspect of your life, because you are free to be exactly who you are, and as such allows you to be open, emotional and yes, vulnerable.
I have a great deal of empathy and sympathy for others; I am the first to cry with or for someone, I am supportive and thoughtful, and I’m a good listener and hand-holder. I can be all of those things and still not expose my own vulnerability to the “world at large”…I am content with this aspect of myself, and I comforted knowing that my own vulnerability is safe and protected by a very small group of people whom I love and trust completely.
Being vulnerable in the absence of love and trust feels like madness to me, a self-inflicted wound.
Love and trust, can you truly have one without the other?

“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy” ~ Walter Anderson

Originally published on MissA2011 ~ May 2012

1 comment:

Big Mark 243 said...

This was a good, good repost... hope you are doing well..! Miss your writing (or have I just been 'missing
' your writings)... Take care and holla at a brother if you feel like kvetching..!