...to succeed in life, you need three things: a wish bone, a back bone, and a funny bone!

18 October 2012

1. From the Hub...

Is it better to be the heartbreaker or the heartbroken?

No one raises their hand and volunteers to be the heartbroken, unless they are a serious masochist. Being the heartbreaker is far easier in the moment, but what about when all the dust settles?
If the heartbreaker decided to end the relationship because love, sex, passion, friendship or compatibility no longer existed than you cannot blame him for wanting a happier life for himself, but what if the heartbreaker ends the relationship because he is afraid of commitment and believes his own excuses?

The heartbroken survive through the tears, insomnia, jealousy, depression, piled up laundry and dishes, hours of Facebook stalking, long torturous walks down memory lane, and letting their toenail polish chip and the roots of their natural hair color show.
It takes a strong woman to mend her broken heart, but it takes raw courage and whole lot of chutzpah to survive and prosper passed a man who gave up on her and their life together. A woman, who chooses to be heartbroken, rather than live with the excuses and fear of commitment, is a woman who could rule the world.
The heartbreakers are rarely changed when all is said and done, because the excuses still remain and making a commitment is just as scary as it ever was.
The heartbroken fell into the abyss, either by push or leap, and made it out alive and a whole lot smarter for the next time!

Originally published on HubPages ~ October 2011

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