...to succeed in life, you need three things: a wish bone, a back bone, and a funny bone!

18 October 2012

6. From the Hub...

Let's play in the sprinklers instead!

For twenty years I worked more weekend days than not, and frequent conversations revolved around what people had planned for their days off. I always hoped I would hear about fun and exciting plans, but sadly all I usually got was the run down of errands and housecleaning…so much for living vicariously through strangers as you toil away under fluorescent lighting.

I did learn a valuable lesson as I participated in some of the most mundane conversations of my entire life…it is better for your mental health to run errands, if at all humanly possible, on the days you work. On your work days, you are already dressed and moving about the world - making your pit stops before, during or after work is a smart use of your time, and frees you up to enjoy whatever curls your toes on the weekends.

The postal workers, grocery store checkers, oil and lube dudes, hairdressers and each and every retail clerk will express their gratitude for seeing you during the week, and your friends, family, children and significant other will enjoy making new memories with you on the weekends.

As for housecleaning…that can be done anytime you are actually at home, so why waste your day off with such boredom. The washing and drying of laundry can be done while you are doing other things, unless of course you are still beating your clothes against a rock and hanging them on the line to dry. Sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, dusting and tidying up can be done during commercials breaks, in-between lulls on Facebook when no one is updating their status about their interesting lives, while waiting for your farm/city/empire/frontier/mafia to reload its energy bar, while waiting for your turn on “words with friends”, or while chatting/texting/sexting on your smart phone, of course this may require you to occasionally put your cell down for a few minutes…you will be fine.

So, the next time you are having a conversation about the plans for your weekend or days off…I hope you boast about the exciting adventures that lie ahead of you, or I hope you say that you plan on day dreaming and getting lost in beautiful and silly moments.

In your final moments will you say "you lived your life" or "your life lived you"…?

I know, I know, some people actually enjoy errands and housecleaning because the routine and schedule of checking everything off of their to-do list gives them a sense of accomplishment that their world has remained in order. For those people, go on with your bad selves…I have no desire to ruin your bliss :)

Originally published on HubPages ~ October 2011

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