...to succeed in life, you need three things: a wish bone, a back bone, and a funny bone!

09 May 2011

A break or broken?

Why do we believe if we love a little deeper, look the other way a little longer, and listen a little harder that we can save another human being from their own sorrow, pain, and strife?

We love the way we know how, we choose not to see what is right in front of us, we hear only what we want to hear…we need to be wanted in return, we want to be needed in return…we believe words and not actions.

The self-help mantra “we cannot truly love another human being until we love ourselves” is a plain and simple truth, but we continue to prefer the lies over the truth.

An undeniable connection, an enthralling friendship, and a bountiful love is not enough for a “happily ever after” when trust, respect and honesty are disregarded.

If you have never been blessed to be surrounded by people who would battle for you, who would sacrifice for you, and who love you for exactly who you are then maybe you never know the value and importance of trust, respect and honesty.

Flaws and imperfections are expected, missteps and mistakes are forgivable, breaking a heart is sad, and shattering trust is cruel.

When you know you are loved…when you know how good it can be and usually is…when you know it will take commitment and change…when you know trust has to be rebuilt from the ground up…what do you do?

Forgive and move forward together?

Forgive and move on alone?

1 comment:

Big Mark 243 said...

Hey girl... this sounds deep and very heartfelt. There is not much for me to say because you seemed to have said as much as need to be said or asked about the theme of relationships.

Hope that you are doing well. Take it easy as possible and enjoy the ride!
